Category: Healthcare and Medical News

Study shows treatment with low-intensity, continuous ultrasound reduced patients’ pain and need for pain medication.

The science-based magazine cites sustained acoustic medicine as a noteworthy innovation for its ability to promote soft tissue healing anywhere, without restrictions of surgery or injections.

Sustained acoustic medicine technology from ZetrOZ Systems eliminates veteran’s severe knee pain without surgery or pain medications.

Makers of the sam® wearable ultrasound unit demonstrate how its devices promote injury healing and complement orthopedic surgery procedures.

Creators of sustained acoustic medicine technology will instruct orthopedic surgeons, sports medicine physicians, physical therapists, and other practitioners in using the sam® X1 ultrasound treatment device.

Clinical education director Dr. Rajiv Mallipudi will present on sam® research and treatment protocols in a program for members of The Orthobiologic Institute.

Agency’s decision signifies that ZetrOZ’s sustained acoustic medicine technology is safe and effective for promoting injury healing in wider range of medical conditions.

Clinical investigator and regenerative medicine pioneer Don Buford, MD, is leading the charge to bring the latest advances in mechanobiology and regenerative medicine to 32.5 million knee arthritis sufferers across the United States in a National Institutes of Health-funded study aimed at reducing opioids and surgery.

The long-duration soft-tissue repair ultrasound device provides healthcare professionals with another proven method of accelerating and enhancing healing.

Sustained acoustic medicine brings relief to professional and collegiate tennis players by promoting soft tissue healing.

The Interventional Orthobiologics Foundation Conference is one of the largest gatherings of orthopedic and interventional pain specialists in the United States with a focus on innovation

The conference provides continuing education and facilitates communication among interested sports medicine professionals.

Creator of wearable sustained acoustic medicine technology to educate clinicians on device's effectiveness in soft tissue healing and regenerative medicine treatment.

The sam®x1 is an effective tool for treating acute musculoskeletal injuries and the first wireless long-duration ultrasound system that is FDA-cleared for prescription home use.

The Ambassador Program seeks athletic trainers and social media influencers, amateurs and professionals alike, to promote the proven real-world benefits of sustained acoustic medicine.

The device's ease of use permits players to wear sam® for long periods discreetly, allowing athletes to attend class while maintaining 100% treatment compliance during recovery.

The lunch and lecture provided scientific updates on sustained acoustic medicine research in sports medicine, significant product innovations, and the new 2023 Player Performance Package (PPP).

The sam®x1 wireless sustained acoustic medicine device helps sports and regenerative medicine providers return their patients to everyday activities.

The specialized ultrasound treatment is now available to medical professionals across the United States.

Board-certified physicians use the ZetrOZ Systems sustained acoustic medicine device for injury healing and pain relief without invasive surgery or potentially addictive and dangerous medications.

ZetrOZ's sam®️ technology promotes soft tissue healing, helping patients return to work sooner and preventing more severe injuries; the only FDA-cleared home-use multi-hour ultrasound stimulator.

ZetrOZ Systems will showcase its sustained acoustic medicine (sam®) technology, a non-invasive, non-systemic treatment option for soft-tissue injuries experienced in the workplace and beyond. The companies' partnerships with self-insured and insurance providers has expanded access to millions of lives in America.

The wireless, long-duration, continuous, ultrasound, patch-based stimulator delivers 33 times more treatment than pulsed ultrasound devices and is authorized by the FDA for prescription home use in the United States of America.

Sustained Acoustic Medicine developer avoids supply chain tangles to supply healthcare providers with needed medical intervention.

New research demonstrates how sustained acoustic medicine (SAM) accelerates healing and recovery from soft tissue injury common in college and professional sports

Cutting-edge sustained acoustic medicine soft tissue healing treatment developed in partnership with federal research support will now help federal workers recover from injury and improve surgery outcomes.

Wearable ultrasound sam® device heals soft tissue injuries faster, reduces need for surgery and pain medications.

Groundbreaking ultrasound therapy company helps the Whale and other sports teams recover, manage pain and stay in the game

Wearable ultrasound therapy for home use assists in healing and reduces reliance on narcotic pain medications, which only mask pain

ZetrOZ's Sustained Acoustic Medicine (samⓇ) backed by 15 years of research, 30 clinical studies, 300,000 patients

The wearable sustained acoustic medicine (sam®) device has been leveraged by athletes to help treat injuries sustained during competition

SAMⓇ, the only FDA-cleared, wearable home ultrasound device will display its healing functions at the world's largest event for chiropractic medicine.

ZetrOZ Systems' long-duration ultrasound device provides new options for orthopedic surgeons

American-made products mean more transparency and higher standards, resulting in a better overall product and customer experience.

Company achieves first and only FDA-approved, wearable device for multi-hour continuous ultrasound therapy for home-use.

Dr. George Lewis of ZetrOZ Systems to present results of large clinical trial at Special Operations Medical Association's annual Scientific Assembly

ZetrOZ Systems partners with Dr. Rod Walters, nationally recognized sports medicine clinical educator, for an upcoming course on soft-tissue regeneration and rapid response care.

Retired Army Ranger tells how ZetrOZ Systems' Sustained Acoustic Medicine (SAM) device has helped him rehab from injuries

Structures in the healthcare system often stifle innovation and breakthrough treatments.

Dr. George Lewis outlines benefits and effectiveness of novel technology for non-invasive, non-opioid pain relief

The bill aims to expand provider access to FDA-approved, non-opioid pain management approaches. Sustained Acoustic Medicine, developed by ZetrOZ Systems, is among those approaches.

ZetrOZ and the NIA aim to develop new pain-relieving innovations and help make them available to the public faster.

Review finds ZetrOZ technology also lowers treatment costs significantly improving care for the aging patient population

Spring training means Baseball season is almost underway after an early ending last season due to the pandemic.

sam® wearable ultrasound device has helped career law enforcement officers injured in the line of duty reduce chronic pain and get their lives back.

ZetrOZ is expanding the utilization of Sustained Acoustic Medicine to help 100 million people with soft-tissue injuries and chronic pain

Sustained Acoustic Medicine (SAM) is now part of the majority of university curriculum for Athletic Training, Physical Therapy, and Occupational Therapy students, as well as pre-med students learning about mechanobiology.

Those on government insurance — veterans, state and federal employees — have access to coverage for SAM technology.

ZetrOZ is expanding on the certified SAM CME Education Program, offering multiple CME courses across several delivery platforms with Dr. Rod Walters and Dr. Rajiv Mallipudi.